Social Studies, Social Studies Yr 10

Social Studies – Personal Evaluation – Chocolate ( Week 10 evaluation)

Evaluation on How the group work went: I though that everyone in the group worked extremely well together. I was here for only two lessons but what I saw that a lot of work that had been completed and up to an high standard, all of us displaying high levels of teamwork, cooperation, motivation and resilience to carry on working towards a strong detailed and depth advertisement. We showed this by listening to people’s suggestions on what direction we could take with filming our advertisement and communicating which us if they wanted to suggest an idea. Overall a very successful experience together and we are all proud of the advertisement and work we have produced together. I was absent in week 9 so sorry if my work isn’t quiete as much as everyone else.

Analysation the power of advertisement: The power of advertisement is shown with all the companies around the world. This can be shown by using a wide variety of strengths rather negatives, eg: Cadbury put a fair trade logo that they used children that were given the fair trade life so this encouraged people to buy the product because it shows no slave labour. Also a chocolate company had to modify their recipe a few years ago because a zoo did not support how the chocolate company was using animal food in their recipe and stopped buying – also advertising to the public that they were doing and then stopped too which finally ended up with them changing their recipe, this shows that the power of advertisement can be persuasive and can make huge changes. Finally chocolate companies encourage to buy their chocolate by using advertisements that show when people buy the chocolate the poverty and slave labour will stop but the chocolate know”s that is false and continue to advertise this to the public so they can get a strong income. This shows that the power of advertisement can be strong in many many different ways but mainly advertisements that are all positive to give the impression off to the public that they are supporting the children in the Ivory Coast working as slaves to give them a better life, but they know it is false.

Explaining how globalisation has impacted the chocolate industry: Globalisation has impacted the chocolate industry hugely because it shows the interconnectedness of the world in terms of the economy and it’s issues eg: slave labour and poverty in all of the cocoa bean farms (in LEDC’s), communication of the different organisations/companies like how much they pay for different chocolate products and pay for the lives of children working slaves in different countries, also with selling their products in different continents as well. Finally the culture of different places and how they work together to produce a cocoa bean farming industry and how they set up the children and families send them away to work in chocolate farms to try and earn money. Overall globalisation has impacted the chocolate industry massively with all the LEDC’s and MEDC’s and how their economy work with everyone else in the world in different countries, how the communicate with other places to produce a chocolate product and finally the culture of that country and how it operates with in it’s farms and child slave labour operations.

I was absent in week 9 so sorry if my work isn’t quiete as much as everyone else but I was here for 2 lessons.
